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Doggy Daycare Pricing
The best doggy daycare service - and great value - for dog owners in Sussex, Pewaukee, Brookfield, Hartland and Menomonee Falls, WI.
Daycare Price List
Pre-Daycare Assessment.............$20
Full Day..................................$35
Half Day.................................$20
Full Day Packages
4 Pack.........................$128
8 Pack.........................$254
12 Pack.......................$368
16 Pack.......................$486
20 Pack.......................$600
Half Day Packages
4 Pack………….…$74
8 Pack................$142
12 Pack................$210
Half Day - up to 6 hours
Full Day - over 6 hours
Packages to be used within 3 months of purchase.
Prices subject to change without prior notice.
Daycare & Spa
P: 262-263-1633
N63 W22603 Hwy F | Sussex, WI | 53089
Located on the east end of Main Street near Quad Graphics, and across from Subway.
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